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This is going to really serious. We encourage you to read it as if its being narrated by Clint Eastwood.

We fully realize that ‘dignity’ is a lofty word. It has often been used within the context of human rights, and very appropriately so. However, it is rarely found to be used in business. It is quite befuddling frankly, to see the omission of something so central to humanity. The deceptively simple concept that human beings possess an intrinsic quality that deems us worthy of respect, is extremely significant especially in current times. 

In an age where it has become increasingly common for people to be called, among others, customers, employees, users, and stakeholders, we find an occlusion of the innate ‘humane-ness’ behind layers of such labels. This has unfortunately, translated into our outlook as well. Customers are treated as ATMs who need to be pleased to dispense money. Employees need to be 'competent and productive' to earn their place in a 'highly competitive environment'. Stakeholders and their resources must be 'leveraged' to achieve a desired outcome. What this has led to is a blatant disregard for people’s dignity.

Dignity is inherent, it shouldn’t be a fight to attain it.

At Dignify Lab, we endeavour to enable transparency, foster trust and create positive torrents wherever possible. We are systems-obsessed, believing that non-linearity is the path towards truth. And most important of all,

we strive to be honest- in thoughts, words, actions and spirit.

Dignify Lab Humans

Our firm is in its nascent stages, and we know that it will take the wisdom and support of amazing people to grow into an organization worthy of its aspirations. We are always on the lookout for such souls, and are really thankful to those who have agreed to be a part of Dignify Lab.

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Systems Design, Service Design, Design Research, Design Strategy

Suneet is a systems geek and loves the challenge of complexity. He has been working in domains such as global banking, social development and health technology with organizations like the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Societe Generale. His work is trans-disciplinary and usually a convoluted mess encompassing anything from strategy, research, design, business model innovation, to even developing measuring & evaluation frameworks. 

Suneet Kumar

Founder, CEO


Product Management, Organizational Culture Design, Campaign Strategy

Sujeet has been deeply involved in the social development sector, where he has shouldered responsibilities for developing the fundraising campaign strategy, and designing the organization's culture. He has been resonsible for developing an array of volunteer management products in collaboration with Mindtree and  has also worked as a Design Technologist for organizations like Maersk and ABB.

Sujeet Kumar


Advisors & Collaborators


UX Research, UX Design, Product-Process Innovation, Design Strategy

Avi possesses a deep understanding of product design and innovation processes, along with design research and strategy. He holds education close to his heart, and has worked on social EduTech products right from its initiation to its launch. He has experience working with organizations like OLX, Maruti Suzuki, and Caring WIth Color.

Avi Chudasama


Game Design, Product Design, Product Management, Interactive Media

Jeffin is a multi-disciplinary designer and has worked with brands like Zynga, Disney, Societe Generale and MyGate. He has experience in building multiple products from scratch. He is passionate about working with emerging technologies and creating memorable interactive experiences.

Jeffin Philip

More humans joining us very soon!

If we've managed to get you curious or interested, do feel free to say

© 2020 by Dignify Lab

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