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Captures the essence of our approach

"The Universe is full of dots. Connect the right ones and you can draw anything.

The important question is not whether the dots you picked are really there,

but why you chose to ignore all the others.”


Sam Thomsen

We are a lab after all. We need to keep experimenting!

At Dignify Lab, we continuously experiment with our approach to defining and addressing complex phenomena. This is why we have a flexible framework, which provides structure to our endeavours rather than constraining it to a handful of tools and processes. 

Our (dynamic) Framework

Project Brief


Additional areas of inquiry emerge

Systems Cartography

Data captured from the research is used to identify systems dynamics

Systems Dynamics

Constant anchoring in systems dynamics to assess relevance & potential unintended impacts


Service Prototyping

Collaborative & iterative process of prototyping the service

These dynamics inform possible inflection points of intervention

Framing research brief : questions, areas of inquiry, methodology

Dignify Lab Principles


'The sum of parts is more than the whole' as a core  philosophy.

Precise & Visual

Make everything easily comprehensible.

Trim the Fat

Lean approaches to derive maximum value.


Pursuit of beauty in both, form and function.

Unequal Exchange

Clients always get more than what they paid for.


Absolutely essential and non-negotiable.

Skin in the Game

A component of our fee is attached to the client’s satisfaction.


Always mindful of how our work respects an individual's dignity.

A little more about us

© 2020 by Dignify Lab

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